V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage reduced voltage motor soft starters on circulating pump
V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage (MV) motor soft starters provide smooth starting without steps, reduce current peaks and load on the power supply system.

V&T EcoDriveCN® reduced voltage motor soft start control cabinets achieve soft start and soft stop, reducing mechanical load in the drive, provide the benefit of avoidance of line voltage fluctuations during start-up.
V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage (MV) motor soft starters are widely used on water circulation pumps in industrial and municipal combined heat and power plants.

Technical parameters of soft starter control box on site:
Initial voltage: 40%.
Current limit: 350% Ie.
Start ramp: 20 sec.
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V&T EcoDriveCN® reduced voltage motor soft starters, motor soft starting control panels
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