V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage motor soft starter control centre on induced draft (ID) fans in petrochemical industry
V&T EcoDriveCN® high-voltage motor soft-start device provides a soft start of high-voltage synchronous and induction motors of pumps, compressors, fans, air blowers and other manufacturing machinery.
V&T EcoDriveCN® reduced voltage soft starter of high-voltage motor is achieved by forming a preset tempo of the motor voltage buildup from zero to the rated value.
V&T EcoDriveCN® soft start control panel provides a soft start of the motor under the microcontroller control. This excludes emergencies associated with erroneous personnel actions while start and stop the high-voltage motor by V&T EcoDriveCN® motor soft starter.
V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage motor soft starter control cabinets are used for retrofitting in petroleum and petrochemical industry.

This project is for induced draft (ID) fans. 5 pieces V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage motor soft starters are applied. The total investment is about USD8,000,000.00
Basic settings on site:
Initial voltage: 50%.
Current limit: 380% Ie.
Start ramp: 45 sec.
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V&T EcoDriveCN® low voltage reduced voltage motor soft starters, medium voltage motor soft starting cabinets
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Application of V&T EcoDriveCN® drives