V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage motor soft starter control panels on oxygen supply machine
V&T EcoDriveCN® highly adaptable medium voltage digital soft starter offer the user high reliability and safety for demanding medium voltage applications.
With an easy and rugged user interface, V&T EcoDriveCN® MV soft start control systems allow the users to configure the ultimate motor control and safety protections that will take care of your valuable rotating assets.

The V&T EcoDriveCN® medium voltage motor soft starter control panels are used in Dingjialiang coal mine of Baofeng group.
Load type: fan of oxygen supply machine.
Rated voltage: 10KV.
Rated current of motor: 36Amp.
Motor pole: 4 poles.

The technical parameters on site:
Starting voltage: 45%.
Current limiting factor: 3.5 times.
Starting time: 15s.

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V&T EcoDriveCN® motor soft starters, motor soft starting control panels
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