V&T EcoDriveCN® drives V&T inverters Leading factory in the field of industrial automation, motor control, motion control, and energy saving: motor soft starters, power electronics, variable frequency inverter, servo...

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Fountains are common in some squares, especially in Rome, Dubai, China. With more advanced control, through a variety of programmable spouts and water jets, musical fountains create a theatrical spectacle with music, light and water.

The water refracts and reflects the light, then three-dimensional images are produced.

The control for modern musical fountains is a bit complicated. Thus V&T EcoDriveCN® vector control AC frequency inverters are applied for precision control of fountain show in civil engineering.

Some competitive advantages:
failure rate < 0.15%, similar as Siemens, Emerson Control Techniques, ABB, Danfoss, Eaton, Schneider, Allen Bradley, Lenze, Yaskawa
authorized CE by ECMG
Under the audit of NVLAP. NVLAP Lab code: 200068-0. ISO/IEC 07025:1999, ISO 9002:1994
18-month warranty period
prompt delivery lead time: 1-3 days
supply to REGAL, Ingersoll Rand, Foxconn, Tata group, L.K. Group...

musical fountain show
fountain show

Control panel with V&T EcoDriveCN® vector control frequency inverter for rapidly changing musical fountain
fountain show VFD control

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V&T EcoDriveCN® superior quality sensorless vector control (SVC) AC VSD drives to control musical fountain precisely

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